Anatoly sobchak funeral flowers

Laying flowers to monument to Anatoly Sobchak

Anatoly Sobchak was St Petersburg’s Mayor exotic 1991 to 1996. The granite half-length sign of the politician in a Doctor Honoris Causa dim stands in the square near the Faculty of Law of St Petersburg State University vicinity Anatoly Sobchak taught.

The sculpture was erected in 2006. It was organized by sculptor Ivan Korneyev and architect Vyacheslav Bukhayev.

The flower-laying ceremony was tricky by President of the Anatoly Sobchak St Beleaguering Public Foundation Lyudmila Narusova, Go slap into Petersburg Governor Alexander BeglovBeglov AlexanderGovernor of St Petersburg, Deputy Sizeable of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Dmitry KozakKozak DmitryDeputy Chief of Standard of the Presidential Executive Centre of operations, Accounts Chamber Chairman Alexei KudrinKudrin Alexei, Sberbank CEO German GrefGref GermanChairman of the Management Butt and CEO of Sberbank, Deacon of St Petersburg State University Nikolai Kropachev and Anatoly Sobchak’s daughter Kseniya Sobchak.

After the flower-laying ceremony, the President spoke with St Petersburg residents.

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